At Glamorgan Community Kindergarten, we pride ourselves in getting your child ready for any Grade 1 program in the city. Our stimulating and happy kindergarten program nurtures the curiosity of each child so they will grow in knowledge and in confidence.
SENIOR KINDERGARTEN: We offer a full 10-month school year (September to June) Alberta Education approved, funded program for children who will turn five on or before December 31st of their kindergarten year.
JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN: While typical Kindergarten children must turn 5 by December 31st in the year they attend, for Junior Kindergarten, they must turn 5 between January 1st and April 30th in the year they attend. The tuition fee for the Junior Kindergarten year varies each year, as it is based on the amount of funding the kindergarten would receive for a Senior Kindergarten child to attend (ie, 2024/25 tuition is $380 per month, from September to June). Both Junior and Senior Kindergarteners will attend class together with the Juniors having age appropriate learner expectations and additional support as needed. We have limited Junior spaces available for children ready for more of a challenge but not yet old enough to attend Senior Kindergarten.
2024/25 Class Time: 8:45 am-12:10 pm Monday – Thursday
Benefits of Glamorgan Community Kindergarten
Exceeds the 475 hours required by Alberta Education
An individualized, tailored approach to cater to each child’s strengths and needs
Play-Based Hands-On Learning: Making education fun and fostering creativity
Small class sizes: maximum of 18 per class
Access to a small gymnasium in the church and a playground nearby
Exciting field trips, special events, and engaging in-class presentations
New Children’s Visit in June to experience the Kindergarten
Home reading program and an engaging, dynamic early literacy program
Free T-shirt for your child to wear proudly for special events or on a daily basis
We receive the majority of our funding from Alberta Education with the expectation that we employ a certified teacher, teach the approved curriculum and follow all policies and guidelines set out by Alberta Education. However, Glamorgan Community Kindergarten is unique in its ability to offer families a variety of choices to enhance their child’s kindergarten experience.
“Can’t say enough about this wonderful program, environment and educator we are fortunate enough to have here. It is worth any drive or inconvenience to have your kids here. Seize the day if you get the chance. You will never regret it.”
Carol-Ann Bezooyen Mysyk
“We were thrilled to find a kindergarten like GCK. The kiddos benefit from small class sizes, amazing teachers and staff who care, and many wonderful opportunities and outings. The teachers have worked collaboratively with our family to find the best ways for our child to learn. I could not be happier with the Kindergarten and cannot wait for my youngest to attend.“
Dayna Cubid
Options at Glamorgan Community Kindergarten
- Your child may attend our half day program without paying any tuition, as the Alberta Government fully funds half-day Kindergarten. The advantages of our program include small class sizes (maximum 18, usually smaller), effective child/teacher ratios, as well as the additional services of an Occupational and/or Speech Therapist, if needed. Your child must turn 5 on or before December 31st of their kindergarten school year to be eligible to attend Senior Kindergarten.
- Depending on when your child’s birthday falls, you may opt to pay tuition to enroll your child for their first year of Kindergarten in our program (ie, Junior Kindergarten), and then pursue a placement in your neighbourhood school, or the school of your choice, for a second year of Kindergarten. This will also ensure a secure Grade One placement. If you choose this path, tuition is based on Alberta Education’s budget which is presented in the spring of each year. Tuition can be paid in one installment or monthly installments.
- You may also opt to pay tuition for your child to attend our Kindergarten program while also enrolled in your neighbourhood Kindergarten or other school of your choice, thus offering a full-day option for your child. Unfortunately, we do not offer transportation between programs or before/after school care.
Get in Touch
Please feel free to contact us with any questions about any of these options or to arrange for a classroom visit to see for yourself what makes the Glamorgan Community Kindergarten exceptional!